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Discover the Secret of Youthful Radiance with Oil Pulling: A Natural Way to Rejuvenate Your Skin and Revitalize Your Body

In Ayurveda, achieving overall health of the mind, body, and spirit begins with maintaining a healthy mouth and promoting good digestion - a core principle of this holistic well-being system.

For thousands of years, oil pulling has been a ritual used for its potential health benefits. Modern science is now beginning to observe and understand the advantages of this practice. Oil pulling is believed to help maintain a healthy pH and flora in the mouth, promote healthy teeth and gums, and prevent infections when combined with regular tooth brushing. It can pull out toxins in your body, aid teeth whitening, and improve gum health and oral hygiene.


The refined oil binds contaminants that have accumulated overnight in the mouth, freeing both it and the body of these. By swishing a natural oil in your mouth for about 20 minutes every morning before brushing, you can remove harmful bacteria that enter the mouth during the detoxification process of sleep. Pulling toxins and bacteria can help reduce bad breath, which is caused by the smell of chemicals and gases produce by bacteria of the mouth.

This ancient Ayurvedic practice can be considered a gentle, natural mouthwash that is less harsh than many synthetic commercial products, some of which can feel like burning of the taste buds. Moreover, oil pulling can also serve as a mini-workout for your facial muscles, helping to release any tension around the jaw. People also have experience plaque reducing and naturally whitening teeth.


When it comes to oil pulling, unrefined sesame, and coconut oils are two of the most commonly used choices. Depending on the season, you may choose to alternate between the two. Sesame oil is a traditional option that can be used year-round, while coconut oil is considered a cooling oil that can be especially beneficial during summer. Ultimately, the choice of oil will depend on personal preference, availability, and any specific health concerns you may have.

My personal favorite is Olive fruit tree oil from the Olive Tree People. My bleeding gums and oral plaque on my teeth and tongue get reduced. After 2-3 weeks of use, the general complexion glows rosy-fresh, and the pores are finer. In addition, the fat-metabolism is stimulated and improved, provenly lowering cholesterol levels. My teeth regain their natural white and begin to shine again. The unique interplay between olive polyphenols and hydroxytyrosol oleuropein, combined with medicinal herb extracts, come together to produce a perfect synergy.


First thing in the morning, before anything enters your stomach. Take 1 tbsp of your oil of choice and swish it around in your mouth for 10-20 mins. If 10 mins seem too much, you can slowly build to that. We recommend brushing teeth after oil pulling, firstly as this will gradually soften plaque so when you brush, it’s easy to remove, and secondly, you want the oil to be with an empty stomach, which includes the taste of toothpaste in your mouth.

NOTE! If you use coconut oil, be sure to spit it into a paper towel or garbage, as it will clog your drain when it cools and hardens.