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Imagine Possessing the power to control your reality: Let's explore manifesting

Have you ever wished for something to happen, only to feel like it's beyond your control? Imagine possessing the power to control your reality - would you believe me? We all have in us the power to create. When you start to wake up and connect with your consciousness, you tap into that power leading you to manifest anything you truly desire.

Manifesting is about creating something into existence through the power of thought and beliefs. Through exploring the principles of manifestation, we will discover how to bring about positive change in our lives.

So let's discuss two universal laws to manifesting, the First being, The Law of Attraction and the second being the Law of Assumption. Now if you understand both constructs, you'll see that they go hand in hand, but that is a much longer conversation for another day. But if you want to dive in I highly recommend the The Law Of Attraction by Esther Hicks and a 10 book compilation also known as the Neville Goddard Collection.

The universal Law of Attraction states that "like attracts like," meaning that the energy you put out into the universe through your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs will attract similar energy back to you. In other words, focusing on positive thoughts and feelings will attract positive experiences and outcomes. In contrast, negative thoughts and feelings will attract negative experiences and outcomes. The objective is to consciously direct your thoughts and emotions to create your desired reality.

On the other hand, The Law of Assumption is based on the idea that your assumptions about yourself and the world around you shape your reality. It's not just about positive thinking but about consciously assuming that your desired reality is already true and aligning your beliefs and actions accordingly. This means you must identify and shift any limiting assumptions, aka beliefs, holding you back and adopt new empowering assumptions supporting your dream life.

In essence, the Law of Attraction is about focusing on what you want and attracting it to you, while the Law of Assumption is about assuming that what you want is already yours and living as if it were true. Both principles are powerful tools for manifesting. Combining them can create a powerful synergistic effect that accelerates your manifestation process.

Manifestation is not a matter of luck or chance but a matter of conscious creation. According to Neville Goddard, manifestation requires a shift in how we see ourselves and the world around us by understanding that our assumptions shape our reality and that we have the power to change those assumptions and beliefs to create the life of our dreams.

"If you believe that you are at the mercy of circumstance, that life is happening to you, rather than being created by you, then you are not utilizing the incredible power of your own imagination. "- Neville Goddard.

Let's say you desire to start your own business but think you need money to start, or the fact that you know nothing about starting a business and working your full-time job barely makes ends meet - you can't even fathom the idea of when you would find the time or how to even raise extra money for your business. These assumptions hold you back from taking inspired action and manifesting your desired experiences - to simply put it.

To shift this limiting assumption, you can create a new, empowering belief that aligns with your genuine desire. You might start by imagining yourself as a successful business owner, feeling the excitement and pride of running your business. You can visualize yourself working with your clients, connecting with your community to create a positive impact, and enjoying financial abundance and freedom.

As you focus on this new vision and feeling, you begin to shift your energy and vibration to match that reality. You start to believe that you are capable and deserving of success, and you take inspired action toward your goal. You may begin researching and planning your business, seeking mentors and resources. Networking with like-minded entrepreneurs or even taking a risk you never could imagine taking that transpire to your dreams.

With your new belief and inspired action, you attract new opportunities and experiences that support your manifestation. You may meet a business partner or investor who believes in your vision, or you may come across a valuable resource or tool that helps you to succeed. Over time, your business grows and thrives, and you realize that your assumption of success is the key to making your dream a reality.

Now, when you think of WHY you want this business, is it because you have a passion for it that it fills your soul with purpose? Or is it that you see the lifestyle that having a business could offer? Sometimes, when manifesting one thing, we begin to unfold the layers that show the true nature of our desire.

Here are some fundamental principles of manifesting:

• Your assumptions shape your reality: Your assumptions, beliefs, and expectations are powerful forces that shape your reality. If you assume something is true, your mind and energy will align with that assumption and create it into fact.

• Imagination is fundamental: Imagination is the gateway to manifesting your desires. By using your imagination to vividly visualize your desires as already fulfilled, you create a mental image that your mind and energy can align with to bring it into reality.

• Feelings are the language of the universe: Your emotions are a powerful force communicating with the universe to attract what you desire. Raise your vibration by feeling good and become a magnet for positive experiences and opportunities.

• Act as if: Acting as if your desire has already been fulfilled is a powerful technique to create the feeling of your wish being fulfilled. By embodying the feeling and energy of what you want, you attract it to you more quickly and easily.

• Be open to possibilities: The universe works in mysterious ways, and sometimes your desires may manifest in unexpected ways. Be open to the possibilities and assume that the universe always works in your favor.

• Take inspired action: Manifesting is not just about visualizing and feeling good but also about taking inspired action towards your goals. When you take action aligned with your desires, you create momentum and attract even more opportunities for success.

• Practice gratitude: Gratitude is an essential part of the manifestation process. Expressing gratitude for what you already have in your life raises your vibration. This will help you to align with the vibration of abundance and attract more of it into your life. Make a habit of focusing on the good in your life and expressing gratitude for it.

The Law of Attraction and the Law of Assumption provide effective principles for manifesting our desired reality. The Law of Attraction teaches us to focus on positive thoughts and emotions. At the same time, the Law of Assumption emphasizes the power of our assumptions and beliefs in shaping our reality. By combining these two principles, we can create a powerful manifesting practice that helps us to realize our aspirations and lead a fulfilling life.

It is important to remember that successful manifestation requires a positive mindset, faith in ourselves and our abilities, and taking consistently inspired action toward our goals. It may take time and effort, but we can manifest the life we truly want with a clear vision and a solid commitment to our desires. So, trust in the universe, trust in yourself and keep manifesting with determination and conviction.